by jodi | Aug 31, 2020 | Business Teams and Employees from Business Coaching Success, Q and A Business Insights from Biz Coaching Success
I applaud your efforts, but know that it will take discipline and self-awareness for this process to be successful. In reality, change is hard to make, as you’ve experienced. Expect discomfort. Expect unruly questions that pop up to persuade you to go back to the...
by jodi | Aug 17, 2020 | Business Management from Biz Coaching Success, Q and A Business Insights from Biz Coaching Success
It’s challenging to build the company culture based on the vision of the leadership team or CEO. You are assuming that workers view and want to inhabit their office environment the same way as everyone else. They may have come from companies that have a dissimilar...
by jodi | Jun 7, 2020 | Business Management from Biz Coaching Success, Business-Communication-from-Business-Coaching-Success, Q and A Business Insights from Biz Coaching Success
It is imperative for managers to always stay in touch with their remote team members. In times of shelter-in-place rules, more contact—not less is needed to not only be available with work issues, but to check on their emotional and physical well-being. This is an...
by jodi | Jun 6, 2020 | Business Management from Biz Coaching Success, Q and A Business Insights from Biz Coaching Success
Making sure employee’s get their needs met can be tiring and all consuming activity. Every team member is different and so are their needs. If you try to address all team members’ needs, it will exhaust you as a manager. That is why it is important to delegate...